Sunday, August 28, 2011

The 'RiverDance Show' at the Gaety Theatre, Dublin

Thursday, 11th August 2011
The world-famous "RiverDance Show"
at the Gaety Theatre, Dublin.

The Trinity College, Dublin

Thursday, 11th August 2011
The Trinity College, one of the oldest educational institution of Ireland.
Located right in the city centre.
There is a conducted tour of this college for a fee of 10 Euros.
Unfortunately we arrived there after closing time.

Street Art and The Temple Bar District of Dublin

the homeless?...
the above bronze? sculptures were found at
many parts of the city of Dublin.....

a tribute to Irish artistes

and the Temple Bar district of Dublin
is where restaurants, pubs and entertainment outlets were found...

Sand Art at the Courtyard of the Dublin Castle

Thursday, 11th August 2011.
There was a 'Sand Art' Exhibition within the courtyard of the Dublin Castle.

The Dublin Castle (2)

Thursday, 11th August 2011
and below are some pictures taken inside the Royal Chapel....

and below, more pictures from inside the Dublin Castle
these pictures however do not do justice to the very
interesting tour given by the local guide....

The Dublin Castle (1)

Thursday, 11th August 2011
The Dublin Castle would be a highly-recommended visit for anyone on holiday in Ireland.
It was the residence of the British Viceroys.
Bloody battles of the Irish Revolution took place here.
For a fee - one gets an interesting tour with a very informative and entertaining
tour guide.......
the pictures below are scenes outside the castle...