Saturday, October 22, 2011

STAROBA-KOBA TIn Grand Finale 2011: The Final Results

Pakdokter played against pakMesha and although pakdokter started out well leading in the first few holes, fatigue from too much golf over the last 2 weeks ( pakdokter had played 8 rounds of golf over a 9 day stretch!) took its toll on pakdokter's stamina and focus. In the end pakdokter conceded defeat to pakMesha by the 16th hole.
pakTgAzman also started out quite promisingly and led pakErik throgh the 1st Nine. However pakErik kept up his game and the pressure took its toll on pakTgAzman whose game faltered under pressure towards the crucial last few holes. In the end pakTgAzman too lost his game to pakErik at the last hole.
STAROBA could not repeat the feat it achieved in the last game when the team came came back on the last day to square the game despite being 5 down on the 2nd day. The gloomy faces on the STAROBA players as pakdokter walked into the dining hall told the sad story of the day. KOBA had won the 4th day game 17-3! What a thrashing. The only winners from STAROBA were pakWanHusin, pakRosliKhan and pakFakhrunasri?.....
As indicated by the KOBA President and Captain - the winning team took home the whole lot of the 100 million prize money.
Congratulations KOBA! You duly deserved it.....
STAROBA golfers presented our 'ole-ole' to our opponent....
a ceramic mug from Sarawak...

the STAROBA Cdm exchanged golf shirt with
the new Captain of KOBA...

overall winner for the 4th day...
Datuk Zainuddin.....
Datuk Zainuddin played against pakdokter on the 1st day
and pakdokter thrashed pakMesha and Datuk Zai that day...

the 100 million prize money being awarded to
the winning team...

farewell and till we meet again in 2012.....

STAROBA-KOBA TIN Grand Finale : Day 4 at Cengkareng

The 5 flights who teed off from the 1st hole.
STAROBA's CdM and Boy vs pakAgus and ?.....
?..., pakKhairunasri, pakMazlan and pakMarhaban
pakNana?, pakAminJidon, pakKJJoel and pakMiswanto...
pakMihdzor, pak?..., pakWanHusin and pakMohsin...
pakErik, pakTgAzman, pakdokter and pakMesha....

STAROBA-KOBA TIN Grand Finale 2011: Day 4 at Cengkareng

The final and 4th game was played at the Cengkareng once again. This is KOBA's home ground and that alone has put the team at an advantage. Furthermore KOBA has 6 reserve golfers and they have made changes to their line-up - replacing a few who did not perform the previous 3 days with the reserves with better potential to challenge the STAROBA players.

Strategic Meeting at the Millenium Coffee House

Thursday, 20th October 2011
The CdM conducted a meeting for the Staroba team at the Millenium Hotel coffee-house upon our return from the Rainbow Hills. The Staroba team trailed Koba by 5 points and he reminded the team that in the last outing we were in the same situation and made a come-back on the last day. Some of the team members analysed the Koba players to help the Staroba players to plan a strategy for the final game.

STAROBA-KOBA TIN Grand Finale 2011 : Day 3 at the Rainbow Hill Golf Course in Bogor

Thursday, 20th October 2011
The 3rd day game was originally planned to be played on the 'greensome' format. As many players were not quite familiar with this mode-of-play - the two captains decided to carry on with the 4-ball-best-ball format. And the Staroba CdM decided to put pakdokter back in partnership with pakTgAzman. So pakErik was again back together with pakMesha.
PakTgAzman played fantastic golf on the 3rd day - allowing pakdokter to take it easy and only contributed to the partnership in 2 or 3 holes. We convincingly defeated our Koba opponents and together we also collected one of the daily prize money. Pakdokter also retrieved some of the losses against pakMesha on the 2nd day.
However, as a team, Koba still palyed well and defeated Staroba by another 6 to 4 points.
the 3rd game was also played at the Rainbow Hills....
pakdokter was attracted to this sculpture of
a village boy reading a book while atop his cow....

Dinner at the Koi Restaurant in Kemang Raya

Wednesday, 19th October 2011
Pakdokter and partner and our friend from KL, Graciela de Escudero, our Argentinian neigbour who came with us to Jakarta, was fetched by pakRosliKhan in the evening to go to his house in at the Ampera Compound in Kemang Raya. It was nice to meet up with his boys, Russo and Ryo, who have grown up considerably since pakdokter last met them a few months ago. Ryo has certainly opened up a lot and was very communicative and not shy anymore. Russo has also grown up into a confident young boy. Unfortunately pakdokter missed the chance to snap some photographs with them.
After some gentle persuasion - the boys agreed to go to bed while the rest of us went to have dinner at the 'Koi' Restaurant at Kemang Raya. pakRosliKhan's latest 'addition' to his family, Rascha Eva (Rasya) came along with us although she was happy to be snugged on her mother's chest.....

STAROBA-KOBA TIN Grand Finale 2011 : Day 2 at the Rainbow Hill Golf Course in Bogor

Wednesday, 19th October 2011
Staroba lost to Koba on the 1st day 6-4. Pakdokter contributed 1 point to Staroba and so did pakdokter's previous partner, pakTgAzman, who now partnered pakWanHusin.
pakShahidan at the 10th tee....
pakThomas of Koba
pakMiswanto of Koba....
pakAbuHasan and pakDatukSidek of Koba against
pakHusni and pakKhairul of Staroba
pakRoslikhan and pakKhairunasri of Staroba
against pakKhairul? and pakNana? of Koba
pakWanHusin and pakTgAzman against
pakErik and pak?.....

pakdokter and pakMihdzor played against
pakMesha and pakMohsin?....

Pakdokter could not repeat the 'feat' of the 1st day game of Cengkareng at the Rainbow Hills. And pakMihdzor was still struggling with his 'psychological' hang-up of having to give strokes to the others. PakMesha took advantage of pakdokter's loss of form and he and his partner took the game from us half-way through the 2nd Nine. Pakdokter lost half of the 1st day takings to pakMesha. Such was the 'fairness' in golf - you win one day and you give it back on another.....
In the overall match - Staroba lost again to Koba on the 2nd day with a score of 5.5 -4.5.