Saturday, May 17, 2008

My first eagle......

After eight years or so of playing golf, I finally achieved my first 'eagle' score today ! I played in my club's monthly medal competition with three other golfers whose handicaps were 10, 19 and 22 respectively. I was playing poorly scoring a lot of double pars and triple bogies until we reached the par 4 hole 17. It was a short par 4 and my drive sent the ball to about 125 yards to the pin. I picked my 7-iron club and after one practice swing, sent the ball high up over the front bunker to drop on the front apron from where it rolled into the mid-position hole.

This achievement certainly deserves a mention in this blog.

The Sports Manager of the club who went through the score cards of the competitors came to congratulate and ( in the club's tradition) tell me that all the sports officials who were on duty were ordering drinks on my account.

I was more than happy to buy them all a round of drinks.

Now for a hole-in-one!

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