Saturday, August 2, 2008

Snorkelling at the Redang Marine Park...

Ben and his partner, Sandra, have done more than a hundred dives each. Nick, although new to diving, has already recorded 16 dives, mostly in Tioman. So, during the 3 days at Redang, they did at least 2 dives a day at various different dive spots of Redang.
My partner, Fareeda, and I have not yet overcome our phobia of diving. We took up a poorly organised 'discovery dive' in Lombok a few years ago and were nearly drowned by the swift and strong currents of the Straits of Lombok. So we decided that we shall stick to snorkelling.....we feel more safe on the surface with our life-jackets on....and I feel more safe on solid the golf course...where the risks only come from wild shots from adjacent fairways! And usually I would be forewarned of on-coming golf balls..

Holding my breath for dear life to have this shot taken....

Snorkelling trips to the Redang Marine Park and to nearby islands were packaged twice daily into the holiday price apart from the full-board and lodging and the return island-mainland transfers. As at the arrival, a pre-snorkelling briefing was conducted by resort staff before we were taken to the marine park. We were again reminded not to litter and not to step on the corals nor to pick them up and not to catch the fish! All these reminders must have worked...for I find that the marine park was truly clean and free of litter and the corals were healthy and thrived with underwater life...

a school of bawal putih

sotong in parade

Hey! it already time for Christmas.....


  1. Wasn't your traumatising dive experience in Boracay? Even Rat seems to think so...


  2. No, in Boracay we were affected by strong and choppy waters while snorkelling. We took up a brief diving course in Lombok and after familiarising with the equipment and a test dive by the shore we were taken to deeper waters of the straits where the near accident took place
