Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stampede in Java..

21 ladies died in this stampede in Central Java in their scramble to get 30,000 rupiah of zakat fitrah (tithes) each, given away by a rich businessman.

And these girls get 100,000 rupiah each in tips for keeping us company for five hours, carrying our clubs, showing the line and cleaning our 'balls'.

Selamat berpuasa..


  1. Yes, very sad event in East Java. You're not suggesting those ladies in photo 2 to become caddies instead? Looking at photo 1, the criteria to become caddies over there looks quite stringent!
    Btw, the caption below photo 3 meant to say cleaning your golf balls, I hope! Otherwise, lots of non-golfing guys will be very jealous!

  2. That is why I put the word "balls" in inverted commas. In this holy month of Ramadan..we need a little bit of imagination to keep us going ma...

  3. Dear boy from dungun,
    Your references of photo 1, 2, 3 in your comment is very confusing.. I thought I only had 2 photos there?
    It must be the fasting...and the heat of Dubai...

  4. Sorry that I confused you. I referred to Photo 1 as the one where you and Zaid were held by two lovely ladies. Photo 2, the stampede and Photo 3, your 4 caddies (yang comel-comel tu la, borrowing an expression from ex-SGC captain, another boy from Dungun!), in that order.
    But later on, I discovered in aginghippietale blog that Photo 1 was actually taken in Melbourne during the Melbourne Cup trip. Still, it makes no difference to my earlier comments as I thought I have seen these 2 ladies at Bogor Raya! The fact that they got taken on a trip to Melbourne adds a new twist to the story and makes your blog more juicy! Cheers.
