Monday, October 27, 2008

'Caddy Tales'......

Indonesia has always been a favourite golfing destination because of the great number of good golf courses in the major cities of the republic. Besides the well-maintained and challenging golf courses, the caddies of Indonesian clubs also scored 'high' ratings from the golfers.Most of them are well trained and hard-working, and are good at reading the green. And on top of this, most clubs employ young and pretty girls as caddy for the golfers. For Malaysians, the common 'lingo' is an added advantage. It made communication easy ( unlike in Thailand) and these girls are a confident and communicative lot who can be 'cheeky' and 'flirtatious' at times.

And after having made good 'winnings', some of us become overly generous and 'boros' and may engage more than one caddy for the next game. Why not?

pakdokter with his 4 caddies at for the clubs, one for the brolly, one to wipe sweat with a cold towel, and one for shoulder massage...

As I have said earlier, these caddies are generally very young. Take Erma for instance ( picture below). She is hardly 18, finished SMA ( Sekolah Menengah Atas - High School) and has been caddying for about a year when she was assigned to me.

Half-way through the game she asked me ' pakdokter ini spesialitas nya apa?' ( what is my medical speciality). On being told that I am a 'shrink' ,she said ' Oh..kalau gitu Erma bisa curhat sama pakdokter ya! (curhat- short form for curahan-hati, 'to pour out one's feelings' as in a counselling setting I presume).

I promptly told her...' Oh pasti bisa....nanti malam temuin saja di kamar pakdokter ya!...( Sure...just come and see me in my hotel room tonight..)

Usha ( full-name Puspasari) is 19, started caddying just about 5 months ago at the Royale Jakarta. She too studied up to SMA. After getting to know me better she asked ' pakdokter ni apa rahsia awit muda nya?' ( what is your secret for looking young?)

I jokingly told her ' kita mesti aktif seks....kurang lebih sekali sehari ' ( you must be sexually least once a day!)
'Kalau Usha sanggup tiga kali sehari, pakdokter bisa bawa Usha pulang ke Malaysia?' ( If I am willing to have sex thrice a day would you take me back to Malaysia?)

That was the end of my game.


  1. interesting details pakdokter...much too interesting for ibu-ibu di malaysia utk lulusin visa bapak-bapak ke jakarta lagi..

  2. waduh....pakgolof...ini baru omong-omong sikit aja..sudah genter nanti ibunya enggak kasi visa ya!

    Ibu-ibu ya jangan bimbang...ikutin saja pakgolof-pakgolof main golof.

    Harus lebuh murah dari belanja belanja di Anggerik Mall or the Blok M. Satu kebaya Uluwatu bisa dapat 3 celana golof bu...

  3. waduh....pakgolof...ini baru omong-omong sikit aja..sudah genter nanti ibunya enggak kasi visa ya!

    Ibu-ibu ya jangan bimbang...ikutin saja pakgolof-pakgolof main golof.

    Harus lebuh murah dari belanja belanja di Anggerik Mall or the Blok M. Satu kebaya Uluwatu bisa dapat 3 celana golof bu...
