Wednesday, October 1, 2008

One Island One resort...the Pangkor Laut Resort

Raena came home for a 2-week vacation after which she went back to Edinburgh to continue her postgraduate study for a MSc in Economics/Finance at the Edinburgh University School of Business. As she had missed our earlier trip to Redang and Tg Jara (which was actually planned for her) we decided to check out the Pangkor Laut Resort to fulfil her request for a beach holiday.

I had been to Pangkor Laut many years ago. It was then called the Pansea at Pangkor Laut and the chalets were built using container cabins! What I remember very clearly was the crystal clear water of the island's Emerald Bay.

Today, Pangkor Laut is an upmarket resort, with comfortable villas built on stilts over water and equally comfortable villas tucked prettily along the steep slopes of the islands hills.

lovely water villas seen from the infinity pool of the beach club..

hillside villas built along steep slopes with little damage to the original habitat..

Despite the chaos of the financial market worldwide and the doom and gloom prediction to the world economy, I was surprised to see that the resort had a reasonable number of guests. Many were European couples (probably on honeymoon) and of course you cannot escape the group of newly-rich mainland China tourists in most places these days.

view from the balcony of our hillside villa....the jetty of the island and the Pangkor Island in the background

Emerald Bay is a long uphill walk across the island but you can call for the resort's shuttle to ferry you across the hill to this beautiful beach. I wish all resorts in Malaysia will emulate the YTL hotels in deploying some staff to sweep clean the beach continously to clear it of the leaves, branches, weeds etc as these were swept ashore by the strong currents of the bay.

sweepers continously clear the rubbish from the beach...

Pangkor Laut is a great place for a quiet holiday, to keep up on your reading, to walk and jog and enjoy nature at its prettiest while toning up your body and stamina ,or to just laze around under the sun and swim in the pool or the sea. Their restaurants serve a whole range great food, local ,western or fusion.

And if you are one that cannot stay unconnected, the Library offers free internet service

my partner updating her 'aginghippietales' and my daughter checking out her business..

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