Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Couple, couple.....at the Majapahit Spa...

Our group had originally planned to stay at the Majapahit Hotel for the Surabaya Retreat 2009 but the hotel was fully booked for a wedding reception. So we had to settle for the all-suite smoke free Surabaya Plaza Hotel instead.
My partner and , Fiona, had checked out the spa at the Majapahit and had come back with a glowing report of the place. So, after our game at the Bukit Darmo Golf Club, with a few hours to kill, a few of us decided to go to the Majapahit for a spa treatment to our severely bruised bodies.
The Majapahit is a lovely old hotel, built by the Sarkis Brothers, the same family who built the E & O Hotel in Penang. It is an interesting art-deco structure and has been preserved in good condition by the operators of the hotel..
Below is a series of pictures of the hotel, courtesy of my partner, who blogs and photoblogs at http://aginghippietales.blogspot.com You may read her posts of her experiences during the Surabaya Retreat 2009 at her web-site.

the courtyard reminds me of the Alhambra, in Granada, Spain...

the stairway to the second floor....

view of the courtyard from the second floor....

stained-glass panes along the corridor....

the court-yard at night....

lobby to the ball-room....
We only managed to get a booking for three persons for the spa treatment that afternoon as the spa was already heavily booked for the day. So pakdokter, pakWanHusin and pakRahman reported to the pleasant receptionist at the spa and was ushered to the pool-side to wait for our turn.
A short while later, the cute receptionist approached pakdokter and said...." maaf ya pakdokter, semua kamar terapi sudah ada booking. Jika bisa, bolih saya offer kamar honeymoon suite sama pakdokter, tapi ia untuk couple ya....." ( apologies pakdokter, all the treatment rooms have been booked. If you dont mind, can I offer you the honeymoon suite but it is for use of two persons..)
So pakdokter told her " Ooo....pasti bisa...nggak apa-apa....pakdokter sama pakWanhusin ini memang sudah lama couple couple...waktu sama-sama di SMA lagi..." ( Ooo...sure, no problem...in fact pakdokter and pakWanhusin have actually been a 'couple' ever since our high school days....)
So that was how pakdokter and pakWanHusin ended up having our spa treatment in the honeymoon suite of the Majapahit Spa. And what a treatment it was!

the interior of the Honeymoon Spa Room....the tub just fits two persons nicely for the milk bath, or spice bath, or floral bath......

a refreshed pakWanHusin after 3 hours of couple spa treatment...

The next day pakZahardin and his partner Fiona went for their 'honeymoon' spa treatment at the same place. Hopefully all the 'stains' left by pakdokter and pakWanHusin have been properly cleansed by the spa-keeper. We were told that pakZahardin and Fiona were given a 'couple' discount package! Not fair......

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