Sunday, May 17, 2009


The Royal Bangkok Sports Club came to play in the return match of our annual interport game this weekend. The Thai contingent had played a game against the Royal Selangor Club at the Kajang Hill on Friday and had combined this trip to also play the RSGC on Saturday and Sunday for the Erawan and the Seladang Cups.

The first round played on Saturday afternoon unfortunately had to be abandoned due to a heavy downpour. Pakdokter partnered his regular buddy, pakHyder, and played against Mr Manas, the Thai ex-Commisioner of Customs, whose partner was unfortunately unfit after the previous day's game against the Selangor Club. Although Mr Manas played well to a handicap of 12, pakdokter and pakHyder took advantage of our high handicaps of 24 and 22 to match our opponent in almost every hole. By the time the game was abandoned after 13 holes, we were already 3 up and was hopeful of contributing the winning points for the RSGC.

Our guests were entertained to a buffet dinner at the club's function hall and a Cuban Duo provided the entertainment which included a display of salsa, merenge and machata? by two couples of accomplished dancers. Of course, we could offer nothing in comparison to the cultural feasts our Thai hosts gave us in Bangkok!

Sunday morning was almost ideal for golf. The rain on Saturday afternoon had a cooling effect to the air unlike the unbearable hot and humid Saturday afternoon before the rain. Pakdokter and pakHyder's partnership played against Royal Bangkok's Simon Hirst ( Shell Thailand and Laos) and Peter Burke ( who has been practicing law in Bangkok for the past 15 years). Simon played to a handicap of 15 and Peter, 18. Pakdokter and pakHyder again took advantage of our higher handicaps to match our opponents all the way. We were 5 up with 4 to go and were glad to contribute 2 points to our team.

After a few beers at lunch, Simon whispered to pakdokter that at one stage of the game he felt like walking out of the match for he felt that we had cheated on our handicaps! Although he later testified that he was only joking, pakdokter could 'professionally' sense the bitter 'emotion' which was only partly masked by the tranqulising effect of the Tiger beer....

Pakdokter was lucky to have brought along his pocket camera as it was a nice day for some shots of the city skyline from the fairways.

pakHyder could not beleive that he struck it short at this par-3 hole No. 4 of the Old Course.

Simon Hirst trying to get it close to the pin at the par-3 Hole 4 of the Old Course..

Peter Burke got his ball about 4 feet from the pin but unfortunately was beaten to the prize by another Thai player who was closer by 2 feet...

Pakdokter was caddied by his regular, Mr Mohan, who was indeed very helpful in the selection of clubs and reading of putting lines. We decided to take a picture of ourselves with pakHyder's caddy, one Mr Lingam, who attracted our attention from the fact that he was wearing a pink lady's cap with a fancy pair of dark-glasses to boot! Upon our enquiry he told us that the cap was given to him by a Japanese lady golfer for whom he regularly caddied, and she insisted that he must wear his cap all the time! He is terrified that he will be scolded by her if she were to find him not wearing her gift.....

Simon, pakHyder, Lingam, pakdokter and Peter's shoulder....

aah....a better picture of the foursome with Lingam and his 'pink' cap...

RSGC won the Erawan Cup and drew in the Seladang Cup. Next round will be in February or March of 2010. Karp kun kap.

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