Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Siti......

11th June 2009

What a long and hectic day it had been for pakdokter. After an early morning wake to view the sunrise to be followed by breakfast and 1 1/2 hours of spa treatment and massage, pakdokter drove to Lovina to pick up Bernard, trekked up to Bali Handara Kossaido for golf, back to Lovina and finally arrived home to the YTL Spa Village at almost 7.30 pm.
And can you blame pakdokter if he were to fall asleep even before dinner was served!....

It was a night with a full moon and dinner was served at the central garden courtyard instead of the restaurant. And the hotel had also arranged a 'kecak' performance by a local cultural troupe during dinner time. We could not have asked for more.

It was one of the better 'kecak' performances that pakdokter had ever witnessed in the so many trips pakdokter made to Bali. The acapella singing was a class in its own. The Balinese dancers and singers kept improving with time.....

And what a night to remember it was for Siti, pakdokter's classmate from medical school, who with her partner, Ravee, have been regular travelling companions of pakdokter and pakdokter's partner.
Siti celebrated her birthday just one day after pakdokter's and we have had many years of celebrating our birthdays together on trips like this.
To Siti, pakdokter put on record here pakdokter's best wishes and many happy returns.
And of course the hotel did not forget to come out with a special birthday cake for Siti!
Thank you Spa Village....

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