Friday, June 5, 2009

Snippets (1) : Japanese hospitality...

During the Royal Selangor Golf Club Japan Tour this year, one of our golfers suddenly found the sole of his golf shoe breaking open midway through the game at the Biwako Golf Club. As he limped along trying to play with the defective shoe, this came to the notice of the lady caddy who immediately called the club office on her handphone to make a report of the incident. Five minutes later a club staff came along on a buggy with 10 pairs of golf shoes to fit the golfer. The old pair of golf shoe was taken away and guess what?......... When we came for the second round of golf the next morning, the old shoe was repaired and cleaned and left in the golfer's assigned locker ready for use.
Pakdokter feels this incident is definitely worth a mention on this blog to emphasise what Japanese hospitality is all about.
To Biwako Golf Club, pakdokter wishes to say..' Arigato gonzaimashita!'....

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