Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Snippets (3) : 'Sumi masen, can you tell me where......"

During one of pakdokter's earlier trips to Tokyo in the late 70's or early 80's, pakdokter had bought,from the hotel concierge, tickets for what looked like a 'tiger show' at one of the clubs in Ginza, at downtown Tokyo. As we left the hotel, we suddenly realised that we had no clue whatsoever as to where the club was located and neither could we decipher the direction from the ticket and brochure as everything was in Japanese!
In desperation pakdokter and partner approached a pleasant and friendly looking Japanese lady and spoke to her in English for help and direction. She looked at our tickets and probably understood what we were asking for but was helpless at offerring us anything as she could not speak a word of English.
She signalled to us to follow her and took us on a long walk across many streets to the club door and 'bowed' to us many times ( I suppose for the pleasure of having successfully helped us find our destination) in response to our poor attempt to express how grateful we were at her extreme effort to get us to our destination.
This was one of pakdokter's earliest 'positive' impression of Japan and the Japanese.....
footnote - the Tokyo 'tiger show' was soft porn presented with style and taste in 'theatre-broadway-style' that completely wiped out from pakdokter's memory the nightmarish experience of the Bangkok's 'tiger shows' that one get hustled to by the street-side touts.

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry Pakdokder,

    Come July in Jakarta I guarantee you of daily "tiger shows" starting at Imperial Karawaci theater until Royale Jakarta theatre and probably additional show at Bumi Serpong theater on Sunday.Perhaps you may want to be one of the actors which you had fantastically done so in Bandung some years ago.
