Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Staroba Jakarta Open 2009 (III) : The Imperial Karawaci...

16th July 2009

Pakdokter left home early Thursday morning to catch the 7 am Airasia flight to Jakarta. Despite the economic downturn, this sector did not look like it was affected at all as the plane was almost full!
We arrived at the Sukarno-Hatta Airport at 8 am local time and pakRoslan, the Staroba Tour Director was already there waiting for us. Some of the golfers had gone to Jakarta the previous day and another smaller group arrived on a slightly later flight that morning on the Malaysian Airlines. The 30 golfers who were already there were shuttled to the Imperial Karawaci Golf Club for the first round of the Staroba Jakarta Open. The remaining 6 who came by MH joined us about 2 hours later.

Pakdokter had played at the Imperial Karawaci several times and was quite familiar with the course. Pakdokter was hoping that past knowledge and experience would help pakdokter play a good game. However the lack of sleep, and much as pakdokter would like to deny it, age, were against pakdokter...........

pakHyder, pakMihdzor, pakHjAmin and pakdokter...

Pakdokter played in a flight made up of pakHyder ( regular golf buddy at the RSGC), pakMihdzor ( classmate in school who retired as an air-force pilot and took on the MHS) and the ever steady junior in school pakHajiAmin.

Playing to a handicap of 23, pakdokter managed a modest game with 29 stableford points. PakHyder managed to return with only 27 points, pakMihdzor 37 points while the regular 'champion' pakHajiAmin came out overall first for the day with 40 points.

At least pakdokter can proudly say that pakdokter played with the champion of the day!....

the bevy of caddies at the Imperial..

pakHyder at the tee at hole No. 1....

pakHjAmin teeing off for the island fairway......

pakMihdzor in action.....

Pakdokter's regular golf kakis from the RSGC, the two Tengku Brothers played later as they came on MH and the elder Azman scored only 28 points while the younger sibling, Ja, scored a respectable 33 points.

a grand villa by a lake at the Imperial...

After dinner we were taken to Old Batavia where the Dutch warehouses are located. The warehouses used by the East India Company in the 1600's have now been rehabilitated and in it are now many different restaurants in 'great old world' ambience....

We were treated to a seafood dinner at the Restoran Raja Kuring...

gedung belanda tempoh dulu sejak 1602...
what about a 'rijstaffel' restaurant here...?
inside the Raja Kuring....

pakKahirulIzmy, pakHamid Ibrahim and pakHyder...

pakAzman, pakRahman,pakdokter...

kelapa muda in sirsak juice with 'Uncle Jul'......

pakHjAmin Jidon was champion for the day.....

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