Sunday, August 2, 2009

'Kawin sudah tapi nikahnya belum, pak...'

Farid Redza, one of pakdokter's regular golf buddy in our Sunday morning golf group at the Royal Selangor recently went to Jakarta for a business trip and managed to squeeze a game of golf at Bogor in between his tight schedule. He came home completely enamoured by the golf courses of Jakarta as well as the caddies who accompanied him during the game.
At the drink-hut mid-way through our game today , Farid recollected to pakdokter his small talk with the caddies which pakdokter promised to post here as a quotable quote.....
The girls told Farid ( who by the way is quite 'ganteng'..) ......" kawin sudah tapi nikah nya belum pak..."
'Apa beda nya kawin sama nikah...?'
" Ooh...nikah kan pakai surat.....kawin pakai 'urat' saja pak...."
pretty maids all in a row...

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