Friday, September 25, 2009

Abang, pakdokter's eldest brother.....

Pakdokter's eldest brother, Radzi, is 75 years old. All of pakdokter's siblings except the two eldest ones have worked, retired and settled down in Kuala Lumpur. Pakdokter's eldest sister settled down in the 'kampung' and pakdokter's eldest brother, Radzi, settled down at Permatang Batu near Bukit Mertajam where his late wife's family left them with the family's estate.
Pakdokter has very little memory of the times with pakdokter's eldest brother, Radzi. And as such there is very little too, on what pakdokter could write about him. During the trip to 'balik kampung' this time, pakdokter managed to catch him at his home. Pakdokter in fact got lost in Bukit Mertajam, and had to be rescued by one of his son-in-laws who came to pick us up at one of the city's Petronas petrol station. That was proof of how long it was the last time pakdokter had visited him!

Pakdokter wished that pakdokter had more time to chat him up and unravel some of the family's history. Hopefully another trip soon in the not too distant future.....

Pakdokter was surprised to discover that in pakdokter's collection there was one picture of Abang's class at the Parit Buntar English School. What year it was, pakdokter could not determine. Looking at the pupils size and appearence, they look adult enough to be in the secondary school. So pakdokter assumed that Abang must have schooled up to a secondary level.
Pakdokter remembers vaguely that he had worked for a short while in Kota Baharu, Kelantan, in the Department of Agriculture. But somehow and somewhat later, he switched job to become a telephone operator, a job he kept until he retired. Abang can speak a fairly good amount of English, must be the result of having attended an English School.
Abang's class at the Parit Buntar English School....

Abang at extreme right, standing.....

a close-up of the young Abang....

Pakdokter remembers hearing this story ( probably narrated by Kak, pakdokter's eldest sister) on how pakdokter's mother went about looking for a 'bride' for Abang. And this story was interesting enough to put on record here.
Abang married after Kak. And, it was a common practice those days that marriages were on an 'arranged basis' and the responsibility of seeking out suitable matches for the son was shouldered by the mother. Of course close relatives and friends would also be informed of the intention and so the 'scouting' and 'recommendations' would take place.
Upon a recommendation, attempts would now be made to investigate the background of the prospective candidate and whenever possible a 'close encounter' would also be executed. Pakdokter remembers the story of how pakdokter's mother, accompanied by a relative, had spied on a recommended candidate by following her on the bus as she rode it to school, only to reject her because she was found to be too 'talkative'!!.....Pakdokter wonders what other criteria were on the list in order to fulfil the KPI......( Key Performance Indices...)
Any way in the end, a bride was found for Abang, the only child and daughter of a distant relative of pakdokter's mother, who lived in Bukit Gantang, near Taiping.

Pakdokter can remember Bukit Gantang somewhat vividly. Pakdokter can remember the 'clear stream' where the water was cool and refreshing. But what pakdokter dreaded was the 'pacat' - the blood-sucking leeches that prey on your legs!...
And pakdokter cannot forget the 'nights' when pakdokter can hear the beat of the drums in the 'distant' hilly surroundings, and on one night pakdokter was taken along to witness what turned out to be some youths practising the 'silat' within a square court accompanied by this 'melodic' drum-beats of a drummer at the side. It would have been a great cinematic 'shot'..... Pakdokter wonders if such a 'sport' is still practiced in the 'interior' these days....
And who can forget Bukit Gantang for its durians.......
Azizah, or Kak Chak, as we normally addressed her, was a fair-skinned and pretty lass whose parents were a much respected and religious family in their 'kampung'. Kak Chak's father, Haji Kassim, lived in Mecca, for some years, studying and teaching Islamic Knowledge. On Abang's wall of his house, pakdokter saw a family photograph of Kak Chak's father and could not help but take that picture to be posted here.
Kak Chak's family ( having come from one side of pakdokter's mother's family) were originally from Pattani, Southern Thailand. Pakdokter remembers that some of these folks spoke in a 'lingo' that sounded very much like the present day Kelantan accent.....
Of Abang's wedding, pakdokter cannot remember anything at all........
Abang and Kak Chak have 8 children ( pakdokter must admit that this has to be verified). Sadly Kak Chak suddenly passed away about 18 months ago probably from a heart attack or a stroke. Abang now lives with one of his children.
(pakdokter must try to get a picture of Kak Chak, one of these days....)

Kak Chak's father's family...
Kak Chak's father, Hj Kassim, standing at extreme right..
to his left, his brother, Hj Salleh,
whose house in Bukit Gantang, pakdokter remembers visiting often...

a closer view of the above picture...
the ladies were probably the gentlemen's respective spouses......

Abang, in his 50's maybe....

pakdokter and Abang during the Hari Raya visit recently.....

and hopefully pakdokter will not match Abang's waist-line in the future....

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