Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eating Out in Tokyo...

Tokyo has always been an exciting place for a 'foodie' experience. The Japan Michelin Guide 2009/2010 was just out in Tokyo bookstores when pakdokter was there. However the book was in Japanese.....
The first night in Tokyo, pakdokter's partner had arranged dinner with Sabine and Micheal, a German couple who has been in Tokyo about a year now. Micheal is the Director for Japan/Korea of the Lufthansa cargo. Fareeda met Sabine at a 'hanami' party last spring. Sabine attended the same Japanese language school where Rastam attended his ' Japanese for Business' lessons. Micheal had booked a table for the 5 of us at a nice Mexican Rsetaurant in Harajuku. Pakdokter's dish of 'Arroz con mariscos' - 'sea-food nasi goreng' ala Mexico was out of this world.....
The following Thursday, Sabine cooked and had us over for dinner at their posh apartment near the Roppongi Hills. She prepared typical German autumn dishes which went down well with the bottle of Reisling.
Rastam took us to a 'Goth'-ic Restaurant one day, which was located in downtown Shinjuku. The Japanese is very fond of thematic restaurants like this. The decor of the eatery was like inside a church and the staff dressed up to match the atmosphere of the day. The food served at this place was a tad fusion....

without a booking, we had to wait until a table was available...

the interior of the 'Christon Restaurant..'

the menu came in a book that looked like a bible...

steamed mussels to be followed by a seafood pasta...

a generous portion of lobster sushi...

pakdokter with the 'halloween' waitress...

pakdokter's partner with another waitress in her "Goth'-ic costume...

lunch at the Dutch warehouse in Yokohama...

and a chocolate crepe for tea...

a Sichuan restaurant in Yokohama...
very spicy food....

a hip 'gyoza' outlet in Yokohama..
'gyoza' is like steamed dim-sums....
Peruvian cuisine is the 'in' and current rage. We trekked up a street in Ebisu and discovered the Peruvian Restaurant named ' the Miraflores'. Rastam feasted on a 9-course degustation menu. Pakdokter settled for a plate of grilled prawns to be followed by a plate of sea-food Paella. And this was the first time pakdokter had the chance to try out a glass of 'pisco sour' - the traditional Peruvian drink. It is a cocktail of rum, lime, Canadian gin and egg white. It was easy to drink but must be quite dangerous if one were to get carried away with too much of it. Pakdokter also tried out a bottle of Cruz Cerveza - a light and sweet Peruvian beer.
a bowl of 'thumb size' fried salty corn seeds to accompany the drinks...

one fo the 9 dishes in Rastam's degustation menu...
sea-food salad and a mussel with lemony tomato and onion chunks..

3 types of chilli sauces to dip in...
the right-most red one is hotter than our chili padi...

grilled fillet of king-fish with garlic.......

sea-food paella...as good as in Sevilla, Spain...

We decided to go for an Indian dinner one night and was pleasantly surprised to find one in a northern suburb of Tokyo where the serving staff was a friendly guy from Pokhara, Nepal. The Japanese chef's Indian dishes can match any of KL's top Mughlai restaurants. In fact the 'rotis' were finer and easier to eat. Must be the type of flour that they used...

fish tandoori....

vegetable samosas....

butter chicken curry and prawn palak paneer to go with
garlic roti, cheese roti and plain naan...

plain naan and the garlic naan...

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