Monday, November 30, 2009

Pub Golf in Edinburgh....

Pakdokter's daughter, Raena, told pakdokter about 'pub golf' which happened to be a favourite pastime among some of the students in Edinburgh. The group would start drinking at one chosen pub and move on to another after finishing their one round of a drink at each of the pubs. Finishing one's drink at one go would be considered 'a hole-in-one'! Depending on one's capacity to drink, they would go around trying to finish a 9-hole pub golf or an 18-hole pub golf!

Edinburgh at this time of the year happened to be very cold. The average day high was 9 degrees Celcius and the evenings broached near zero. The rain and the the winds which on one day came cose to gale force made it quite bad for the gentlemen from the tropics. Edinburgh pubs gave warm, cozy and comfortable retreats which could not be ignored.
So pakdokter and company made time on one afternoon to do our rounds.....

The Kenilworth along Rose Street
this heritage establishment has been in existence since the 1880's..

the Kenilworth bar
look at the ornate ceilings
and the tiles on the wall..

at another more than 100 years old pub
along Rose Street

at the Edinburgh Jazz Club
on Chambers Street where live jazz performed....

the Tollbooth Tavern on Royal Mile....
a pub steeped in history...

another pub along the Royal Mile.....

tired out after 9-holes....

and a poem for the road......

To die in a pub is my dearest plan
With my mouth to the tap as close as I can
Then the angels would say when the singing began
Oh Lord please show mercy to this boozyman....

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