Monday, March 29, 2010

Golf Marathon Thailand (V): The Royal Bangkok Sports Club

Sunday, 28th March 2010

Most of the RSGC golfers had a late night on Saturday singing on stage with the resident band and being entertained by the 'caddies' who put up their 'cultural show' and were rewarded with generous tips from the very appreciative audience.....

Despite of the late night, the golfers were back at the club from 6.30 am Sunday morning for breakfast before the second round of the interport match.
Pakdokter was again paired with pakAzman against the RBSC duo of Mr Somsak T and Dr Chokchai. Mr Somsak played to a handicap of 15 and Dr Chokchai played to a handicap of 21.
Mr Somsak is a (retired?) businessman while Dr Chokchai is the Medical Director of the Police Medical Centre. The Police Medical Centre is located at one side of the RBSC ground and along-side the hospital there is also a nursing college and hostel for about 2000 student nurses. On another side of the golf course is another medical school and nursing quarters belonging to the Chulalongkorn University.

Both pakdokter and pakAzman played quite well that morning and were leading the Thai pair throughout most part of the game. Dr Chokchai was a very friendly and funny gentleman and tried to distract pakdokter's attention from the game by narrating how sweet and multi-skilled many of her student nurses are! Being the Medical Director of the Police Medical Academy, he sits on the selection board for the intake of the student nurses. And often times he would have to do his rounds and checks on their hostels too, the details of which pakdokter would not narrate here. Seeing that his stories about the Thai nurses did not affect pakdokter's game, he offerred to introduce to pakdokter his 'select' group of student nurses provided pakdokter agreed to blow the next few holes and let his pair win the match. He even offered to bring the album with the the 2000 photographs of the student nurses for pakdokter to look at and choose.....and he would find a medical reason to have pakdokter admitted to his hospital!
Although pakdokter did not accept his 'bribe', that offer was effective enough to distract pakdokter's attention to the game that we blew the few remaining holes and came home square to enable both teams to contribute 1 point each to the respective team....
Now pakdokter can understand how (and do believe that) many business deals actually take place on the golf course.....
The RSGC was again thrashed by the more superior Thais in the Erawan Cup but pakdokter's Seladang Team managed to hold our fort and win the Cup.
The Thai team will come down to KL for the return match in May.

the many buildings along the perimeter of the Royal
Bangkok Sports Club....
many of them are nurses hostels and hospitals..

Dr Chokchai and pakdokter....
Dr Chokchai was happy that without the bribe
his team managed to square pakdokter in the match...

pakAzman and Mr Somsak.....

the foursome at lunch and prize-giving..

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