Friday, March 12, 2010

Khajuraho (11) : Jainism....

Saturday, 27th February 2010.

The third temple we visited that afternoon was the Jain Temple of Khajuraho.

Jainism is an ancient religion of India which prescribes peace and non-violence towards all living beings. Its philosophy relying mainly on self-effort in progressing the soul on the spiritual ladder to divine consciousness. Any soul which has conquered its own inner enemies and achieved the state of supreme being is called "Jina" ( conqueror or victor).

The 5 basic ethical principles (vows) preached are:
1. non-violence - no harm to any living being
2. truth - to speak the truth and not lie at all
3. non-stealing - not to to take anything not willingly given
4. celibacy - not to indulage in any sensual pleasures
5. non-possession - detached from people, places and material things...

the 2 plaques at the entrance of the Jain Temple

explaining the basic teachings of Jainism..

a Jain ?priest at recital of their Holy book
at the end of the corridor...

these white structures at the complex are the newer temples,
the browner ones below
dated back to the 11th century AD (900 years old)

The group decided to see the "Light and Sound Show' on the grounds of the main temple of Khajuraho which turned out to be a little disappointing due to the poor sound system and the very mediocre and average 'light effects". The show did attempt to describe the history of the rulers of Khajuraho until the invasion of the Moghuls, but fatigue, mosquitos and as said earlier, average sound and light effects made pakdokter's attention to the show rather weak.
We had dinner at the Taj Hotel and pakdokter ordered a Khajuraho thali which is pictured below.

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