Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Ranthambhor (Tiger) National Park...

Friday, 5th March 2010.

Pakdokter (from sheer exhaustion) slept deeply through the night until wake up time at 5 am Friday morning for the next stop at Sawai Madhopur Station from where we would trek in a jeep to the Ranthambhor National Park, the home of the Royal Bengal tigers. There are 40 Royal Bengal Tigers residing in this park.

There are a number of shallow lakes within the park where tiger sightings are quite common. Herds of deer can be seen foraging in the underbush. Lofty hills ring the park and in the distance ramparts of the Ramthanbhor Fort create a dramatic silhouette.This area was once the scene of fierce battles of the fiery Jauhars. The former hunting lodges of the Maharajas such as the Jogi Mahal, still retains its former grandeur and glory close to the lakes.

The park ranger told us that one of the tigers was sighted 2 or 3 days earlier. And he was hopeful that we would be able to sight a tiger that morning. True to his predicition, Papa Segaram who sat in the front row of pakdokter's jeep caught sight of a tiger in the bushes of the hilly terrain away from the lake. Unfortunately, the tiger quickly ran away perhaps alarmed by the noises coming from the excited tourists......

Pakdokter had to be contented with the sightings of golden-spotted deers, wild boars, peacocks and several species of birds, one of which came and perched herself on the bar of the jeep behind pakdokter.

After about 2 hours of driving around the park, we adjourned to a RTDC ( Rajasthan Tourist Development Corporation ) Hotel for breakfast in the garden.

early morning departure in an open jeep to the park....

ramparts of the Ranthambhor Fort...

Dilip Sharma, Sheila, Indra and Verna...
Phaik Choo, Mehdi and Ravee....

the lakes where tigers etc come down for drinks...
a pair of wild boars..
a golden-spotted deer nursing her baby....

this magpie was very friendly...
village women going to the fields..
breakfast in the garden...


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