Thursday, March 11, 2010

What a Way to Start a Holiday!....

Saturday, 27th February 2010
Pakdokter and partner and regular travelling companions Dr Ahmad Raveendhran and his partner Dr Zaliha Zainal had come a few days earlier to Delhi before the train journey because we wanted to make a side-trip to Khajuraho for a few days to view the famous temples, on the walls of which were erotic etchings and scupltures of the Kamasutra. We had to check out early Saturday morning to catch the domestic flight to Khajuraho and were amongst the first to go for breakfast at our hotel's coffee house. While busy with our breakfast and expectantly and excitedly talking about our trip, Siti Zaliha suddenly realised that her hand-bag which was put under her chair was gone! Cash, jewellery, credit cards, a handphone and an expensive digital camera were lost within seconds.
The in-house security CCTV captured on record the gang of 2 elderly Latino gentlemen and a middle-aged fat woman carrying out the heist! We were told later that this gang had already done similar 'stealings' at the coffee houses of the Taj Palace and the Oberoi ( all 5 star hotels..) over the previous two days.
Ravee and Siti initially had wanted to stay back in New Delhi to make the police reports etc, but after realising the speed at which things happen in New Delhi, they decided to proceed to Khajuraho and left it to the hotel management to do its part to try and salvage whatever that could be salvaged.
Credit cards, telephone SIM cards etc had to be cancelled before more damage could be done by these daylight robbers. It was a terrible start to our holidays.....

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