Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer School....

Pakdokter will be travelling to Italy this coming weekend for a 2-week holidays in Sicily and Tuscany. As a habit pakdokter always likes to read as much as possible about the destinations pakdokter will be heading to. Pakdokter had actually travelled to Italy 5 0r 6 times the past 20 years or so and pakdokter is actually quite familiar with the many places there. So travel books did not feature much in pakdokter's selections of books to read this time.

The first book pakdokter picked up at the "Borders" bookshop of the Gardens in Mid-Valley was titled 'Summer School'. It is a short fiction, very easy to read and pakdokter must admit made very interesting reading indeed.

It is about a 2-week ( at a cost of 5000 Euros) writing workshop held in a villa in Tuscany conducted by an established writer who had already published a best-seller. The participants were 'aspiring' writers from various different backgrounds each with her or his own personal reason on why they wanted to be a writer.

The congregation of a group of individuals in such a romantic setting for a 2-week intensive interaction on writing led by a leader/facilitator, was very similar to a setting for group therapy.Within a short time pakdokter can recognise the undercurrents and crosscurrents within that interactions coming out into play very much like in the dynamics of group therapy where transference and countertransference issues come into play. Mini-romances, sibling rivalries, unresolved oedipal conflicts all make their appearences within that short time ( apologies for these psychological jargons - if they do not make sense please read up psychology for idiots and dummies......)
Although not much, there were also some small hints on how to make writing interesting. This book has made pakdokter start thinking on and about how to make some changes to pakdokter's style of writing. ( pakdokter's partner had commented that pakdokter's style of writing and photography is somewhat predictable - so watch out guys, the next time pakdokter writes and photographs pakdokter's golfing experiences, there may be some change in style and flavour!...)
For a start pakdokter has picked up a few books on writing ( for idiots and dummies, of course ....there are so many books with these type of titles, aren't there?..)

Pakdokter must say that Domenica de Rosa is an interesting writer with an easy flair in writing. Pakdokter must also look out for her other books.

The last time that pakdokter travelled to Tuscany must have been about 10 years ago, circa 2000 or 2001. The six of us then, pakdokter and partner, Ravee and Siti and Rajan and Stephanie spent about a week in Siena, one of the principal cities of Toscana ( Tuscany). Apart from pretty hilltop towns and undulating country, Tuscany is a famous region for wines. We also spent some days touring the wine districts of Montalcino, Montepulciano and Chianti. Pakdokter looks forward to revisit this region.

undulating country....

a vineyard shot from a villa/enotica where wine-tasting was on offer..

a panoramic view of the country-side..

pakdokter's partner, Ravee and Siti with our driver...
this picture was at the Villa Bianca
a lovely villa in the Tuscany countryside.....

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