Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rome by Night....

Sunday, 4th July 2010

We located a restaurant near the Spanish Steps for dinner. Via Condoti, where the restaurant was, is a street lined with all the designer shops one can think of. As we had to wait for a table to be made available, the ladies were not bored as they had a lot of time looking at clothes and bags in the nearby shops...

a lamb shank...


grilled calamari..

artichoke salad..
After a hearty dinner, we decided to continue our walking tour of Rome by night. From the Spanish Steps, we walked along via Condoti towards the Piazza Navona.

the shops along via Condoti were already closed..

Piazza Collonna..

Piazza Navonna was still a hive of activity at midnight..

from Piazza Navonna, we walked towards the Colosseum
and on the way passed the
Monumento a Vittorio Emanuelle
( or Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers)
another main site of Rome..
this monument is also about 100 metres away from our hotel..

behind the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers
was the ruins of the Roman Forum after which is the Colosseum...

Arco di Constantino
next to the Colosseum...

ruins of the Roman Forum..

we finished our night walk at around 2 am in the morning...
the next day pakdokter sent Raena to Ciampino airport
for her return flight to Edinburgh...

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