Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Victory at Pekanbaru.....

Wednesday, 28th July 2010
The second game was played on Wednesday morning. We left for the Labersa Golf Course at 6 am to tee off at 7 am. This had to be so because we were returning to KL by the AirAsia flight at 4 pm.
The second game was played at the Lake and Plantation Nines. Pakdokter was put in a flight with two other RSGC golfers, pakZahardin and Mr Lim Cheng Yeow and the 4th player was a guest, Mr Lim Hong Boon from Bukit Jalil Golf Course.
Pakdokter's handicap was 24 and so was pakZahardin who kept his handicap of 22. Mr Lim Hong Boon played to a handicap of 21 while fellow RSGC member, Lim Cheng Yeow played to a handicap of 29! Pakdokter pretended not to know Cheng Yeow and told everybody that we were having a 'lady' golfer in our flight.....(this is just pakdokter's ploy to psychologically upset Cheng Yeow at his game.And he was also offered the chance to tee-off from the red tee.Pakdokter had to pull out all these tricks because on the first day Cheng Yeow had colllected the 7th prize by returning a score of 29 stableford points on his handicap of 29....). And true enough, all the 'pokes' did affect him and he came home with a score below his handicap! He only managed to collect 24 stableford points.....

Pakdokter, on the other hand, played exceptionally well. As pakdokter had said earlier, since returning from Italy, pakdokter's drives have improved considerably. On the average, pakdokter was hitting 220 yards with the driver. And a safe steady second shot ensured a simple chip to the pin to give a fair chance at a par or at least a bogey for the par-4 holes. Having learnt from the previous day's disaster at the green, pakdokter was more calculated this time and came home with a par golf score of 48/48 with 36 stableford points! And this score earned pakdokter the 4th prize. Even Datuk Tan came home with 36 stableford points! The winner was Tan Sri Datuk General Yunus Tasi, the club's golf section Chairman, who played 4-under with 40 stableford points playing to a handicap of 22.
Mr ( Miss) Lim Cheng Yew grumbled a lot about his caddy - accusing her of being hopeless at reading the green, giving confusing tips and making him play miserably that day. Pakdokter told him then that pakdokter had 'paid' his caddy at the start of the match to ensure that she gave him confusing tips so that pakdokter will not lose to him.
Luckily for pakdokter that Mr Lim was a fair sport. He did not grumble about paying for the round of 'Tiger' after the game. Thank you Mr Lim. It was a pleasure to play with you. Next time, better watch out. Pakdokter still has many tricks up pakdokter's sleeves......heh heh....

the above pictures were at the prize giving event and lunch..

Datuk Tan, the trip organiser....
and seated, Tan Sri Datuk General Yunus Tasi..

pakZahardin also won, 8th prize?..
34 stableford points...

4th prize, 36 stableford points....

document as proof for the 'non-believers'....
pakdokter's score is on the first column..
well, the short course on how to hit with the driver at
the Academia del Golfo della Toscana did help....
perhaps next summer pakdokter should go back for lessons
on the short games.....
after all pakdokter's instructress, Ms Claudia,
was not unlike a young Sophia Loren....
that in itself is already an incentive...

champion of the Pekanbaru tour...
Tan Sri Datuk General Yunus Tasi....
pakZahardin, Mr Lim Hong Boon, pakdokter and Mr @ Miss Lim Cheng Yeow...

all these girls have been paid by pakdokter
before the game even started....heh heh...

see how happy they were at pakdokter's victory....

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