Friday, August 6, 2010

A Truce Declared....

As pakdokter has reported earlier, since returning from Tuscany, pakdokter's game has improved quite considerably. The consistently good 'drives' at the tee boosted pakdokter's confidence and enabled pakdokter to return, more often now, scores of less than 100.

Unfortunately, pakdokter's improvement has become pakTengku's misery. PakTengku and pakdokter has a standing contract to play 'scratch' against each other at every game for an agreed amount from the past 18 months or so. And the contract stands valid untill the end of the year.

PakTengku has more often been on the winning side whenever he played against pakdokter ( more so during our overseas tours which he repeatedly bragged about ) and of course has been gleefully collecting his dues every time he played against pakdokter. Pakdokter could see how he relished playing with pakdokter because he was confident that every time pakdokter will 'sponsor' him his petrol for the day or whatever....

In fact, at one point he was so confident that pakdokter will never better him that he even said that he felt very 'sad' at having to collect from pakdokter every time we played.

Well, pakdokter is a psychiatrist! Pakdokter does not like to see people sad. In fact pakdokter's job is to make people happy.......

So, as fate would have had it, one weekend before pakdokter's sojourn to Tuscany, pakdokter (maybe by a the stroke of good luck!) won 11 balls from pakTengku. Well, that was quite a hefty sum. Pakdokter thought that pakTengku would now be happy but it turned out that he was quite sore! This was strange......and he told pakdokter that he would from then on be 'brutal' and 'have no mercy' on pakdokter at all times.....

Wow.....what a threat....but for pakdokter it was not enough to send pakdokter's hair to stand up on its end yet ......

during happier and confident times...

And to borrow pakTengku's often said statement....deep inside pakdokter thought " eh eh..this is cannot...pakdokter cannot allow brutal and merciless acts inflicted on pakdokter....."

Well, ever since pakdokter's return from Tuscany, ( and with the little 'tips' from the gorgeous instructress, Claudia, whose unforgettable remark was 'every time you hit good 'balls' you think of me oookkeeeyy..'.) pakdokter has been on a winning streak for the past 2 months and pakTengku has lost consecutive games with quite hefty damages every time.

And with every loss, pakTengku seemed to have lost not only more of his confidence but also part of his mind.....

It must have been quite unbearable for him that last week pakTengku requested for a 'ceasefire' from pakdokter. "At least until he regained his form" - he qualified. well, how could pakdokter be 'merciless'. No, no, it is never and not in pakdokter to be brutal. Pakdokter always operate in 'gentler' ways......

So pakdokter agreed to the truce to give time for pakTengku to regain his form although pakTengku's younger sibling did try to remind him that he thought there was a 'contract' etched in stone between us which would only expire at the end of the year.....

Well, Ja......pakdokter is not like the Zionist regime of Tel Aviv. Pakdokter has more, much much more heart than that.......

So a truce was declared........

coba kamu lihat keringat di kumis atas nya.....?

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