Saturday, September 25, 2010

Computerised Palm Reading....

On the viewing deck of the Goryokaku Tower, there was a stall offering a 'computerised palm reading'. Pakdokter and pakdokter's partner decided to have our palms read by the computer. For gentlemen, the computer reads the right palm and for the ladies, the left palm.
Rastam helped to interpret the Japanese report of our palm lines.

pakdokter's partner having her left palm scanned...

pakdokter's patner's left hand palm...
you are sociable, frank, not fussy and liked by others
you conceal your feelings and desire
you are resilient and determined to win
you are free spirited and do not dwell on worries...
although strong you can also be tearful
you are a sympathetic person
watch out for health and accidents
an unexpected reason to celebrate this year
busy year with lots of travel and celebrations
luck will improve progressively
the sufferings you endure thus far will now bear fruit
will win a lot of wealth
so give thanks to your ancestors....

pakdokter's right hand palm..
calm and observant with firm resolutions
do not like to lose and strong sense of justice
works towards betterment of society
sympathetic and likes to take care of people
helps out and supports friends
thinks of family
gives all to others without thinking of own sufferings
sometimes betrayed to cause loss of money
temper and verbal abuse may cause lost of trust in relationship
stable life this year with some profits in real estate and finance
will find happiness in travel
must thank ancestors to further improve luck
and must watch for health and family ties
lots of chances to make money this year
if you are bold and decisive....


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