Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Pub Lunch in the Jewish Quarter...

Our walking tour of the Jewish Quarter lasted around 5 hours. We went through 4 synagouges porong through the exhibitions in each of them. By 3 pm in the afternoon we were feeling very famished.. Looking around, we decided to try out a local pub and helped ourselves to the 'pub grub'on offer.

pakdokter settled for a plate of tuna salad and anchovies...
pakdokter's waist must have already increased slightly...
need to diet a little....
hopefully the sausages were 'kosher'....

the potato soup was served inside a bread...
hot and steaming, it was great in the cold weather..

this black brew was delicious...
tasted somewhat like the Black Yebisu of Japan..

seriously studying the programme of
the violin recitals at the Spanish Synagouge...

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