Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hosting pakRoslan at RSGC...

Saturday, 26th February 2011

The much overdue invitation to pakRoslan to play at the RSGC finally took place. TgAzman applied for the permission to bring in our 'guest' a week in advance and the clearence finally came in on Wednesday.

TgAzman invited pakdokter and TgMuzaffar to complete the flight. pakTgAzman, since his return to golf the two months ago ( after a 2 month break due to a shoulder injury) had been having a good run - boasting that he had been beating his brother, TgMuzaffar, in the last 16 consecutive games. In his last game with pakdokter some 2 or 3 weeks ago, he also gave pakdokter a good thrashing!

So naturally, he was looking very 'radiant' and walking about with confident strides even before the game......

PakRoslan ( who was Staroba's Golf Captain for many years and currently Staroba Chef-de-Mission of all the Overseas Tours) played to a handicap of 12. He generously gave pakTgAzman a stroke in all the holes except the par-3s! And the offer was also extended to pakdokter which pakdokter accepted somewhat 'embarrasingly..........."

pakTgMuzaffar gave his brother and pakdokter 5 strokes each. ( for the record - pakdokter's official club handicap was 29! and pakTgAzman was 27 while pakTgMuzaffar was 22. And pakTgAzman held pakdokter to ransom that we had renewed our agreement 2 years ago to play scratch in all our games for the whole year...)

We played at the Old Course (the New Course was closed for the 1st Round of the Club Championship). Azman started off badly ( must be too excited to win..!) and lost to all the rest at the 1st. He squared pakdokter on the 2nd, squared again at the 3rd, lost the 4th to remain square but consecutively won the 5th , 6th and 7th to go dommie-2 at the 7th.. Pakdokter took back the last 2 holes to square the match and win the dommie and walked into the 2nd Nine with 1 ball in hand.

In the 2nd Nine, pakdokter was still 'square' with pakAzman at the 14th hole but took the 15th,
squared the 16th to remain 1-up and clinched the game with a par at the 17th. Despite throwing away the 18th with a score of 9! ( after sending the ball into water from the tee..) pakdokter still came home with 5 balls from pakAzman.

Pakdokter's 2nd Nine also came back well against pakRoslan and he reduced his damage by doubling up at the last hole after pakdokter had won the match. But the winning was from getting 14-strokes from pakRoslan..........( this kind of victory tak bolih kira sangat lah....)

PakMuzaffar's game has come back. He finally broke his 'jinx' and won against his brother at the 17th run. But Muzaffar has yet to be at his best......

Anyway, the main 'sponsor' for the day turned out to be our gracious host - pakAzman....

Thank you, Azman......

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