Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wenceslas Square by Night....

The outing to Kutna Hora on Tuesday tired both of us out that we slept in most of Wednesday. We woke up late in time to go for the opera "AIDA" at the State Opera Theatre. The theatre was within walking distance from our hotel, located at the top end of the Wenceslas Square. The scenes at the square at night was quite different from what it looked like the first morning when we ventured out there. We decided to have a quick dinner at 'Çolore' Restaurant fronting the square.

the above pictures were taken in front of the Wenceslas Monument
the National Museum of Czech Republic in the background
and the State Opera House to its left..
looking down Wenceslas Square from the top end...

it was below zero degrees....

the pasta putanesca was delicious...

a hot stew was great in the cold weather..

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