Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Mahathir..

What co-incidence!

Just a week or two ago pakdokter read Vaclav Havel's Memoirs and pakdokter's post on it in this this blog ended with a wish that Dr M would finish his memoir soon. As if hearing pakdokter's call, the 'Memoir' was launched yesterday and pakdokter picked up a copy last night.

Datuk Ahmad Mustapha Hassan
the nephew who wanted Mahathir to buy
the Sukhoi 35 for the Malaysian Air Force....
he wrote a book ' the Unmaking of Malaysia'
with uncomplimentary critique of his uncle's
style of governance.....

Pakdokter had only read about 20 pages so far and what a read it has turned out to be. In discussing his difficulties with some relatives of his who expected him to approve some of their business proposals, he had become enemies to some of them. One he made a special mention of was that of one Mr Ahmad Mustapha, journalist turned businessman, who wanted him to support his plan to bring in the Sukhoi 35 Russian war jets! Mahathir told him the decision to buy which war planes would depend on how good the planes are. On checking with some Russian businessmen, Mahathir found out that the Sukhoi 35 is not even in existense yet (even up until today!). What was available was the Sukhoi 30 which is being used by the Indian Air Force. He even asked Mr Vladimir Putin at a later time who told him that the Sukhoi 35 is still a project at work.

According to Mahathir, this nephew/relative of his by the name of Mr Ahmad Mustapha had thought that Mahathir had personally frustrated him and until today he does not talk to his uncle anymore!

If pakdokter is right, this Datuk Ahmad Mustapha Hassan, had not too long ago, written and published a book, very critical of Mahathir. He was once the Chairman of Bernama - our very own National News Agency - and pakdokter was quite surprised at the tone of his 'venom' against the 'boss'.

Well, well, now the cards are falling into the right places.....

Sometimes, relatives and family members "pun to bolih 'caya....."

Pakdokter cannot wait to finish this 800 or so pages book......

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