Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 2: Pakdokter's Match....

Monday, 4th April 2011

Pakdokter was awakened at 3.30 am Monday morning by strong vibrations that shook pakdokter's room. The first thought that came to pakdokter's mind was that the Koba Tin golfers must have woken up early and was doing a group exercise to prepare for the second day competition. But the vibrations were very strong as if a 'Dewa" was trying to bring our hotel block down! The whole 'shake' lasted about one minute.

Turning on the TV, the local stations reported that an earthquake had hit central Java and the measurement was 7.2 on the Richter scale. A tsunami alert was put up at the coastal areas. Lucky for us Bandung was quite inland and thus was not subjected to the tsunami threat.

In the morning pakdokter learnt that many of the golfers did not realise that it was an earthquake. Some thought there was a strong storm that shook their sliding doors to the balcony so hard that it shook. Only pakTg Azman and his spouse apparently had run out of their room for fearing that the block would collapse.

the Staroba golfers looking confident

after the first day lead..

The Day 2 game was played on the same format. Pakdokter kept the same partner, Tg Azman, maybe because the "chief" beleived we could deliver another point again on the second day. Koba made a change - replacing pakKamal with Erik IndraDewa!

What a match! A "Tengku" from our royal household against a "Dewa" from the higher planets.....

Tengku Azman, pakdokter, pakMesha and Erik IndraDewa...

Erik hits hard and long

can be quite intimidating....

Based on the first day's performance, pakdokter kept the same handicap of 24. Erik also played to 24. Tg Azman had his handicap increased to 27 and Mesha had his increased to 30.

Well, once again, for the record, pakdokter now has become the anchor and has to give strokes to pakdokter's opponents!

Honestly, pakdokter was not that confident and was hoping that pakTg Azman would come to the rescue especially with his higher handicap advantage. And he did not disappoint. He kept up his good game in the 1st Nine returning a gross score of 46. Erik must have been intimidated by us - he hit long but wild and was not much of a threat. We were 1-up at the end of the 1st Nine. We played form hole No.10.

Pakdokter's game came back in the 2nd Nine. Pakdokter grossed a score of 46 with 2 pars to boot. But, in honesty, it was a close match to the end. On repeated calculations by Koba's President, pakKamaruddin, pakRoslan Chik and pakWan Zain - it turned ot that our match was a draw - thus giving each team half a point.

Pakdokter could still not figure this out while putting up this blog........

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