Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 2 : A Great Show of Yunnan Culture...

Day 2: 27th June 2011

Ms Liu had recommended to us the " Shangrila - Dynamic Yunnan" Show for the evening. Directed by a famous team lead by oscar-winning director, Zhang Yi Mou, this was one of the cultural troupes that made it to the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics of 2008. We did not want to miss this chance and booked ourselves VIP seats which cost 290 yuan per person.( about RM 150).

It was held in a modern theatre and for a brief period before the show, some of the performers were at the door to welcome us.

The programme showcased a historical drama and folklores of the region via a dance-theatre in the form of folk-dances given a modern jazz-ballet touch to it. The acoustics and lighting were first class.

It was a great introduction to Yunnan 'culture'......

the modern theatre.....

some of the stars in their "Yi" minority costumes...

this young man played the role of the 'Lama'....

(lama - Buddhist monk..).

the stage before the show started...

strictly no photography during the show...

the Buddhist meddallion..

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