Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 3 : The Park and the Black Dragon Pool (1)....

Day 3: 28th June 2011

After lunch, our first tour was to the Black Dragon Pool. Pakdokter snapped the information tablet below because usually by the time pakdokter started to blog - there would be very little pakdokter would remember of the many places visited. For a more detailed information - pakdokter would recommend the 'wikipedia'.....

the three pictures below are of the main Gate at the enstrance to the park...

2 lions stood in guard at the Gate.....

lovely reflections from the lake's surface...

on a clear day the snow-capped Jade Dragon Mountain

could be seen at the middle top space......

it was cloud-covered the day pakdokter was there...

interesting notice.....

a small portion of the snow-capped Jade Dragon Mountain could be seen...

groups of local folks spent their leisurely afternoon playing 'dam'....
and young couples occupy secluded for a romantic day out....

village folks also out for fresh air....
they belong to the Naxi minority group...

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