Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 8: Another Round of Tea Tasting Ceremony..

Day 8: 3rd July 2011

After some shopping at the 'tie & dye' showroom - we were next taken to a 'tea centre' - where we witnessed a musical and dance performance depicting the local tea ceremony. The play described how if a young "Bai" gentleman was interested to ask for the hands of his girl-friend for marriage - he would be invited for 'tea' at the home of the girl's family. The tea ceremony would involve several rounds of tea being served by the host ( the girl's parents) to the gentleman. If the family thinks the gentleman was a suitable man for their daughter - then the first round of tea which would usually be a simple green tea of the lowest class would be followed by consecutive rounds of more superior and older teas which would indicate to the 'visitor' that the family was happy to accept his wish to marry their daughter. Should the family feel otherwise - the visitor would be served on the first and the same tea again and again and this would be understood by the visitor that his wish for their daughter was not acceptable. In such a subtle and fine way - the gentleman would not be openly embarassed by a 'rejection'....

the beautiful entrace to the tea-house...

the large complex must have been a home to an extended family....

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