Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 9 : The Butterfly's Dream Show (1)

Day 9: 4th July 2011

After lunch pakdokter went back to the hotel for a nap. The ladies went about shopping in the Dali Old Town. Maggie had recommended that we see a show at the theatre in Dali New Town. It would be another showcase of Yunnan multi-ethnic multi-cultural dance and musical extravaganza. Although we had already seen 3 such shows, we decided to give it another try - after all how often in one's lifetime would one be making it back to Yunnan.

Driving to the theatre made pakdokter realise how big Dali was. The new town that made up Dali city was huge and sprawling the shores of the Erhai Lake. Modern office buildings and sparkling expensive looking apartments made it look not unlike the richer cities on the eastern seaboard of China. In fact pakdokter felt Dali was a more prosperous and pretty city than Kunming.

When we arrived at the theatre some of the artistes were leading the theatre-goers to dance in the courtyard in front of the theatre. We too joined in the merry-making.

the artistes in colourful costumes...

below some opening acts of the Butterfly's Dream Show..

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