Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kunming Re-Visited : Lost in Translation....

Day 1: 26th June 2011

After checking in at the hotel, we took a cab to the central business district of the city. It was a short 20 minutes ride to an area which our guide who spoke a barely understandable English called the " Walking Street". It turned out to be a 'pedestrian Mall' with lots of shops and restaurants.

We walked into a Yunnan Restaurant - and that was when the first nightmare began. No one spoke English! We could not even get through to the staff in sign language. How to tell them we do not eat pork! They brought out dish after dish of all kinds of meat and vegetables and chiilies and spices - supposedly for a hot-pot type or steamboat type of dish probably - but we were all left clueless as to what they were or what to do with them. So with sign-language we told the staff we gave up and walked out of the restaurant. We wanted to pay for the tea which was already served and sipped but they were kind enough to let us go for free.

Walking up the pedestrian mall - we came across one modern-looking fast-food type of noodle-shop - one called Mr Goh or Mr Tong Noodle Shop or whatever. We went in and it was somewhat like our Chicken Rice Shop in KL with a glossy pictorial menu in Chinese and English. So at least we could point our finger at what we wanted to the non-English speaking waiters and waitresses.

if you think chili padi is pedas.......

try out this Yunnan spicy beef noodle....

and the dish was immersed in a thick layer of oil......

this other choice looked more benign but rather bland....

not an impressive introduction to Yunnan cuisine....

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