Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Barcelona Nov 2004 - Meeting Up with Maria

Maria Latjjos - a histopathologist pakdokter's partner became friends with when she did her 'sabbatical leave' at the Karolinska Institute in Stockhlom some years ago. Maria had come to Malaysia and visited us since then and pakdokter and partner had taken her on a holiday in Cherating as well as the jungles of Sarawak where we spent the night with the long-house folks in Batang Air area, close to the Indonesian border. One of the photographs Maria took was sent to a competition in Barcelona and won an award for it.
Pakdokter and family had visited Maria in her hometown in Barcelona during one of our earlier trips there. We had in fact put up at her lovely apartment at the foot of Mt Tibidado on the outskirts of Barcelona. Pakdokter and partner took the opportunity of this trip to catch up with Maria. She now lives with her adopted daughter, Carolina, whom she adopted from ?Venezuela or ?Nicaragua. We went to a restaurant near Maria's apartment for dinner.

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