Sunday, June 24, 2012

The RSGC AGM 2012

Saturday, 23rd June 2012

The RSGC AGM 2012 was held on Saturday afternoon. Pakdokter rounded up Tg Farith (19), Tg Muzafar (20) and Syed Hazrain (14) to play in the morning so we could attend the AGM and take part in the election of a new committee for the Club in the afternoon.

Pakdokter played very well in the 1st Nine of the New Course - returning a gross score of 44 thus winning 4 balls each from the two Tengkus. Syed Hazrain got away with a 'sunshine' after pakdokter allowed him to square pakdokter only at the last hole.

Knowing pakdokter always could not keep up the game into the 2nd Nine due to flagging stamina - they all doubled up on pakdokter into the 2nd Nine. What a mistake for all of them. In the end Tg Farith lost 12 balls, Syed Hazrain 2 balls and Tg Muzafar got away with a whisker when he only won 2 balls to cancel out the 4 he lost in the 1st Nine.

Pakdokter returned a score of 44 and 49.

The AGM 2012 drew a big crowd - half the members wanted to vote for the club membership to be made 'transferable' and the other half did not wish so. In the end - the ordinary resolution put up for this could not be put to votes as the lawyer engaged by the committee had advised that it could not be done. The discussion on this issue went on and on for too long that pakdokter decided to just queue up in front of the voting counter and was one of the first to exercise pakdokter's rights to vote in pakdokter's choice of the new office-bearers.

Pakdokter's selection of office-bearers all made it into the committee. 

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