Sunday, September 2, 2012

Into the Serengeti Park

Sunday, 19th August 2012

After a brief stop at a viewing point along the rim of Ngorongoro Crater, we drove on along the rim of the crater to the other side for the descent into the Serengeti Park. We had to stop and be registered at the Nabii Gate - the entrance into the Serengeti Park.
While the Ngorongoro Park was almost tropical in its character with thick green forests along the mountain slope ( which according to our guide, Noel, was the home to many wild buffalos) - the Serengeti Park was flat bushland plain that stretched into oblivion. In fact the word, Serengeti, means 'endless plain'. The word Ngorongoro, on the other hand,  means ' the chimes of the bells of the buffalos'.
Once we entered Serengeti we started seeing the wildlife that became the the main feature of the holiday for the next 10 days.

 at the Nabii Gate - entrance into Serengeti

We finally reached  our first stop at the Lobo Wildlife Lodge at around 8pm in the evening. It had been a long( almost 10 hours) drive after the half-day of flying from KL via Bangkok to Nairobi and then Kilimanjaro.

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