Sunday, November 11, 2012

On to Lake Nakuru National Park

The next morning we checked out of the TreeTops Lodge and descended the hill station to Lake Nakuru National Park. On the way we passed a spot where the Equator  is. Next stop was at a lovely waterfall site where a few nice lodges were also available for the night. From there we moved on to the Lake Nakuru National Park - where if we were there at the right time we would be able to see a lot of pelikans etc. However due to the rainy spell these birds had made off to different locations. We saw a few rhinos but from quite a distance away though. We put up for a night at the Lake Nakuru Lodge.

 the waterfall where we stopped ( taken with a different camera)
 lodges at the waterfall
 a chameleon lizard on my arm and hand

 some long-distance shots of the rhinos at Lake Nakuru

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