Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bilbao - some General Information

 a discuss-thrower? on the banks of the Nervion

30th May 2014

Bilbao was a thriving port city with industries supported by the iron ore mines in the surrounding mountains, a boat-building industry and the fishing industry. The Spanish Civil War and and the World War followed by the Basque Revolution for seccession from Spain caused many of its buildings and bridges being destroyed.  A city rejuvenation programme was initiated with the construction of the Guggenheim Museum which was followed by other reconstruction projects for the city. Today Bilbao boasts of a modern tram service, an efficient underground Metro with stations designed by renowned architect Norman Foster and other buildings built by Cesar Pelli etc. Near the Guggenheim Museum where a thriving modern township was built, spaces were put aside for parks with children playgrounds. Sculptures decorate many parts of the city.
Bilbao"s main economic acticity today is tourism.

 facades of old buildings retained in front of new development 

 Zubizuri Bridge

 modern shopping district to the south of the Guggenheim

 the Iberdrola Tower with a large public park in front of it leading to the Guggenheim

not sure who this statue belongs to

 the children's playground in front of the Iberdrola Tower

 this scupture is called "The Explorer"s Book"

 Ovoid in many Dispositions in front of the Town Hall

 underground entrance designed by Norman Foster

one of the old buildings near our hotel has been 
refurbished into this colourful apartment block

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