Monday, June 30, 2014

Museum of Inquisition ( Torture Museum) at Santillana del Mar

Monday 2nd June 2014

Along the way back to the hotel, came across the Torture Museum - a museum exhibiting various means of torture and executions usually carried out by the Church/Royal authorities against criminals, apostates, spies etc. It was quite interesting to look at some of these instruments and methods of torture employed then. The descriptions accompanying the exhibits gave a good description of some history as well as the techniques used and for whom.

 wives made to wear this when husbands go to war
- chastity belt

 interrogation chair with spikes on which the accused made to sit on

 the oral, anal or vaginal pear
expanded to cause tear to the organs and the
and the victim left to die from sepsis
used on liars, homosexuals and adulterers

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