Friday, June 20, 2014

Palais Garnier - the Paris Opera House

29th May 2014

Leaving the Palais Royal complex we walked along Avene de la Opera at the end of which could be seen the commanding building of the Opera.  Known also as the Palais Garnier - named after its architect - it is commonly known as just The Opera. It is one of the important tourist sites of Paris along-side the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, the Basilica Sacre Couer and the Notre Dame Cathedral. It became more famous with the musical The Phantom of the Opera being associated with it.  

It is decorated with many sculptures depicting Gods from Greek mythology on the roof level. The sculpture at the highest point is that of Apollo. The gold-coloured (copper electrotype) sculptures on the left and right at a slighlty lower level is called Harmony and Poetry respectively. Between the columns at the middle level are sculptures of famous musicians like Rossini, Beethoven, Bach etc etc.

The Opera used to have both ballets and operas being performed here. Upon the reconstruction of the Opera Bastille in 1989 - Palais Garnier now mostly offers ballet performances whereas operas are now performed at the Opera Bastille.

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