Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dinner at a Sideria ( Cider Bar) in Oviedo

Wednesday, 4th June 2014

As we left Llanes at midday - and the train trip was a relatively long one - most of us had bought light snacks to replace lunch on board the train. After checking in to the hotel in Oviedo - Vero took most of us to a street in Oviedo ( Calle Gascon?)famous for its cider bars. We all had a great dinner there although most of us gave the cider a miss but stuck to the house wines instead. 

 this barrel of cider stood at the entrance to the street of cider bars

 the first of many statues we came across that decorate many parts of the town

 Vero at the entrance to the cider bar

 bottles of cider for the serving

 my favourite plate of starters

 cheese and anchovies

 tuna salad with white asparagus

 a beef  dish?

 lamb chop?

 fish n clams and prawns

 fried chicken

 pure vegetarian mushrooms and garlic

 grilled prawns

cheese cake?

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