Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lunch at Restaurante Donna Teresa in Cornato Village

Saturday 7th June 2014

Once back to our bus - somewhat drenched - we drove on along the main coastal road looking for a restaurant to have lunch and to dry ourselves up. Most restaurants along the main road, for some reason, were not opened for business. Guided by a road-side sign-post we took an off-road towards the coast and found this lovely family run restaurant. And what a lunch we had! Big generous portions of starters and main dishes with unlimited bottles of casa vinos for a very reasonable price!

That cheered us all up after a soaking run through the storm at Cascado do Ezaro.

 seafood is a must in Galicia

 this is a starter curse - grilled gambas

 my choice of starter - a bruscheta of baby eels and octopus

 a platefull of calamari rings for starter would make it difficult for the next course

 house salad - white asparagus, tomatoes, olives, tuna chunks and lettuce

 a respectable casa vino

 my favourite - merluza fillet in Galician sauce

the gardens of the Donna Teresa Restaurante in Cronato, Galicia

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