Friday, July 11, 2014

Plaza de Alfonso II el Castelo and the Oviedo Cathedral of San Salvador.

Thursday 5th June 2014

Just a short walk away from the university we came to the Plaza de Alfonso II el Casto where the Oviedo Cathedral and several other buildings are located. As everywhere else in Oviedo most parks will have some statues decorating the park. Around these park many of the buildings house museums and palaces which have become government offices. 

statue of a traveller

 this museum had a photography exhibition on display

 the Cathedral of San Salvador of Oviedo

This cathedral dates back to 781 AD when Fruelo1  built a basilica in honour of San Salvador. Romanesque renovation followed until a Gothic basilica was built between 13th and 16th century. A later Baroque addition was the private chapel ( Capilla de los Vigiles) -the Pantheon of the Asturian Kings and the ambulatory.

above are all photos of the cathedral as I walked around it

 the Oviedo Philharmonic Office and Auditorium
located behind the cathedral

the statue of Ana Ozores,
 main character in the novel La Regente 
which tells the story of an old town Vetusta 
which in reality the author,Leopolda Alas Clarin,
 was describing the story of the city of Oviedo.

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