Thursday, July 3, 2014

To the San Pedro (St Peter) Maritime Walk

Being in the centre of the Posada Hererra Gardens - the streets around Hotel Don Paco are lined by greeneries which I imagined in the height of summer would provide a full canopy against the strong sun. A short walk away from the hotel took us to the San Pedro Walk - a maritime passage built on the cliff overlooking the sea. It was built in 1847 from donations by the rich folks of the district especially from those who had made it rich by exploring to the Americas.

Llanes was a big fishing port - it was the centre for whale fishing. The catch would be brought back and off-loaded at the Sablon Bay where it would be cleaned and cut for sale. The Sablon Beach is today a white sandy beach for the townsfolk to come and swim and sun-bathe.

Many movies have been made in Llanes - our hotel for one had been host to Dustin Hoffman and Sam Peckinpath. The natural beauty of this town is understandably why it is a common director's choice for their films.

 steep cliff down from the San Pedro Walk

 seen from the San Pedro Walk - the town and the mountains beyond

 Sablon Beach

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