Monday, September 29, 2014

Practise Round at Imperial Karawaci Golf Club

As reported earlier the police outriders helped us to travel smoothly from the airport to the Imperial Golf Club. Upon arrivals the caddies queued at the arrival lobby to cheer and welcome us. Our lunch as per our orders in the bus was ready at the restaurant. What an organisation!

The caddies all wore vests that bore the name of the golfer she caddied for. It was like taking part in a professional golf competition. Impressive.

 pretty caddies all in a row

 RSGC Buaya pakHalim must be a regular here - the waitresses all know him!

 nasi timbel - a set lunch of Javanese dishes

 pakdokter, Rain, Thomas and Abang Man

pakdokter with  pakdokter's caddy

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