Thursday, July 23, 2009

Staroba Jakarta Open 2009 (VI): Dinner and prize presentations at the Le Meridien...

The final dinner and the prize presentation award was held at the pool-side of the Le Meridien hotel. As we helped ourselves to the buffet dinner, we were entertained to a group of young musicians who called their band the 'Latina Acoustics'.
Some of the golfers took the chance to show off that they were equally good at singing as they were at golfing.
The overall winner for the 3-day game was pakAlewi Ariffin, who by the way, was the defending champion of the Staroba Medan Masters 2009 held in the middle of the year. Well done Alewi, hope to see you challenging for the title again at the next tour, the Staroba Bogor Escapades 2009 in October.....
Apart from the individual competition, a Ryder's Cup format game was also held between the team of Staroba Golf Club ( whose members are true-blue alumni of STAR) against the team who called themselves 'the Rest of the World' ( whose members were made up of alumni of MCKK, Sekolah Alam Shah, RMC, MRSM and even boarding schools in UK - the Tengku Brothers..) The record so far has been that Staroba had won 11 times as against 2 for the Rest of the World. Well, for this trip, the Rest of the World took the bounty with a score of 435 against 420. Well done, the Rest of the World....
the Latina Acoustics...
pakRoslan singing a song backed by the local musicians..

the Glokal Golfer with his thumbs up sign....

and his tee-shirts tells the whole story......

Datuk Hadi Derus, Mihdzor, Husni?, Norahim,
Sirajudin, Hazman Wong....

Tg Mizaffar, Tg Azman, Hamid Ibrahim...

Mrs and Mr Shaber ( Staroba Golf captain), Salehudin, Wan Zin, Sheikh Feisal..

Dato Baharuddin and family with pakdokter's partner at extreme right....

the UMNO gang from Kedah......
Mansor Bahari, Jalalluddin?, Gani Ismail...
patut depa kalah 'election'....asyik dok main golf aja.....

Hj Amin Jidon and family with
pakdokter's partner (standing)...

3rd overall winner, Gani Ismail, receiving his Jusco vouchers
from axed..oops...ex-Minister Dato Zainal Abidin Osman....

2nd overall winner, Khairul Izmy.....

defending champion of the Medan Masters 2009 came out champion again
at the Staroba Jakarta Open 2009.....Mr Alewi Ariffin....

Mr Alewi Ariffin being interviewed after a short victory speech...

the Staroba Golf Club Captain ( Shaber) presenting the
Ryder's Cup winnings to the captain of the Rest of the World team
bapak Sirajuddin Ahmad.......

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