Friday, July 24, 2009

Staroba Jakarta Open 2009 (VII): Pantai Indah Kapuk Damai Golf Resort...

As many of us had booked our return flights late on Sunday, 12 of the golfers booked to play an optional game at the Pantai Indah Kapuk Damai Golf Course, which is located not too far from the Sukarno-Hatta Airport. Playing on a Sunday proved to be costly, each of us had to fork out about 1.5 million rupiah each for the Sunday afternoon game.
Pantai Indah Kapuk is designed by Jack Nicklaus, and the trade-mark of Nicklaus's courses are its many long fairway bunkers and bunkers guarding the greens.
Although Indah Kapuk is a relatively flat course, but being located near the sea, the strong winds made it quite a challenge. Furthermore many of the fairways were lined by waterways - quite similar to the Pinehurst Golf Course in Bangkok. And the main central lake around which some of the holes and fairways were constructed made it a challenge to avoid the water.
Pakdokter and pakTgAzman settled to our regular matchplay and a confident pakTgAzman suggested we played to 60/20/20 right from the start. The other two in the flight, pakHyder and pakTgMuzaffar settled to just palying for the skins.
Right from the start pakTgAzman went 'amuk' like a 'Malay Hero' and pakdokter was resigned to a massacre. He led most of the way and by the time we were at the 6th hole pakTgAzman was 3 up with 3 to go! As luck would have had it pakdokter managed to win the remaining 3 to square the 1st Nine and win the 'dommy'.
As the common saying goes.....'dont disturb an injured tiger....' pakTgAzman could not take the little humiliation and doubled up for the 2nd Nine. What choice did pakdokter have.....?
But despite pakdokter's best, pakdokter must lift pakdokter's 'cap' to him for he played like a 'true champion'. With a fast deteriorating stamina, pakdokter could not match pakTgAzman who was blazing the course with 'full testosterone'. So at the end he won the 2nd Nine collecting all his dues which he used to pay for our lunch in good sporting spirits.
Congratulations pakAzman.......till we meet Bogor?.....Shenzen...?.....Hong Kong.....?
flat but windy and challenged by many fairways and green bunkers...

pakRoslan,pakZaher,pakKhairulIzmy, pakSalehuddin...

pakZaher at the tee at Hole No. 1...

pakHyder ........

pakHyder getting out of the long fairway bunker...

coconut palms gave a resort feel to the golf course...

pakMuzaffar at the par-3....
the green is surrounded by sand all round...
and no one put the ball on the green...

pakAzman taking his second shot to the green....

at the tee at the 18th hole....pakMuzaffar..

the champion teeing off at hole 18.....pakAzman...

pulled his ball to the left.....
luckily not at the root of the tree....
but..ooops....masuk water.....

fairway of hole 18.....the white edge of the lake describes its name
Pantai Indah Kapuk Damai Course....

the clubhouse as we came in from hole 18....

1 comment:

  1. I cherish competing with you Pak dokter! "Till we meet again...". Most certainly anywhere and anytime!
    "My handicap is 24 and I am proud of it", is where I get my motivation when beating handicapper 22 or 21 like you. You see, I play well when I am slightly disadvantaged. You as a shrink should know this condition; it's called "Beat the crap of you". Ha..ha...ha.
